June 4
Lewis & Clark S. P., ND
I'm traveling west to northern ID where I will be WWOOFing (Willing Workers On Organic Farms) on the first of several farms I hope to stay at http://www.parksideorganicranch.com/ Driving along the northern part of MN, I would occasionally look over my right shoulder and glare in the general direction of the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Manitoba. I also periodically checked my rear views for any security agents or mounties who may be tailing me. None were spotted. I stopped in a little one horse town, Northome, at the city library to publish a previous post. Their "computer room" sported no less than three antiquated computers and a printer. The model I sat at reminded me of my previous (and first) laptop, which even to my lacking computer knowledge was slower than molasses in the middle of winter. Having completed my task I continued on to the Peace Garden State of North Dakota where I drifted across the high plains, undaunted by a strong prairie wind seeking to impede my progress. I set up camp at the Lewis & Clark S. P. and feasted on a pot of black beans and eggs cooked over my campfire, which were quite delicious. It doesn't take much to satisfy a hungry, road-wearied traveller.
Lewis & Clark S. P., ND
I'm traveling west to northern ID where I will be WWOOFing (Willing Workers On Organic Farms) on the first of several farms I hope to stay at http://www.parksideorganicranch.com/ Driving along the northern part of MN, I would occasionally look over my right shoulder and glare in the general direction of the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Manitoba. I also periodically checked my rear views for any security agents or mounties who may be tailing me. None were spotted. I stopped in a little one horse town, Northome, at the city library to publish a previous post. Their "computer room" sported no less than three antiquated computers and a printer. The model I sat at reminded me of my previous (and first) laptop, which even to my lacking computer knowledge was slower than molasses in the middle of winter. Having completed my task I continued on to the Peace Garden State of North Dakota where I drifted across the high plains, undaunted by a strong prairie wind seeking to impede my progress. I set up camp at the Lewis & Clark S. P. and feasted on a pot of black beans and eggs cooked over my campfire, which were quite delicious. It doesn't take much to satisfy a hungry, road-wearied traveller.
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