Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tow Trucks

October 13
Lakeville, MN

This past weekend took me back to my old home state of IN to attend the wedding of a dear friend and former McCreary House Volunteer housemate Ann. Ann was the mastermind behind many McCreary House (actually a trailer) counter-pranks. It's amazing how close four volunteers living in a two bedroom one bath trailer in rural KY can get, or the foolish pranks we would pull to entertain ourselves. Like the time David and I paneled over the girls bedroom door...I needed more wall space to hang some certificate I'd received, or the time I snuck a live rooster into the kitchen in hopes it would start crowing at the break of dawn and wake the girls, or the time we stole the rival Jackson Volunteer House flag and held it for ransom. But truly one of the classics was when the girls "wallpapered" our bedroom with black and white floral print wrapping paper. Ah the good ole days. At the wedding I was also reunited with my old roommate and work partner (and potential fire hazard) David a.k.a. UBS Man, as well as several other CAP friends...we missed you Callista. The wedding took place in a beautiful little country church near Roanoke. Ann's new husband Harley and his family have a tow truck business and the couple sped away from the church to the reception in a nicely decorated bright yellow wrecker. Little did I know how well I would become acquainted with tow trucks, for on the drive back my trusty Sentra gave up the ghost (temporarily) on I-90 just across the MN border. I called roadside assistance, which I'd wisely purchased this spring before the start of my meanderings, and soon a tow truck arrived and hauled me back to Wisconsin. After determining I had a faulty alternator I also had them replace my right front axle, which was also in need of replacement, and was back on the road again arriving home in time to warm some leftovers and retire to bed early after a lengthy trip.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Home Sweet Barn

October 1
Lakeville, MN

I've spent my first month in my barn loft apartment and am liking it well. The work exchange for rent is going well too. I am able to deposit my paycheck in the bank, what a novel idea to actually save money instead of spending it all. I have a neighbor John, who rents the apt. in the other side of the loft ( the west wing ). He's a pretty mellow dude. He just got back from spending the summer on a salmon fishing boat in Alaska. In a short while he'll be making a trip to the northwest coast to pick up his share of the catch; 1000 lbs. of frozen cleaned salmon. I wonder if he'll share some with his co-barn dweller...mmm grilled salmon fillets. We work together occasionally on the farm cleaning up, fixing fences, building cages, etc. The goal is to have the farm open to the public by next spring. Terri and Danny, the owners, have quite a variety of wildlife including wolves, cougars, bobcats, foxes, porcupines, badgers, skunks, raccoons, fisher, beaver, woodchucks, as well as some horses.

Work has been going well. I had 25 clients last week, the most so far. Word must be getting around of the awesome new therapist...although my hands are a bit fatigued. One of the other therapists was let go and the spa has yet to hire a new one, so I've been on call pretty much 7 days a week. I haven't had much time to pursue many other interests, but I have been thinking about getting back into music. I also share my room with some unwelcome guests, two mice just scurried across the floor as I write this, perhaps I should get a cat...or maybe a mountain lion would do the trick.

Here are some pictures of the place: including a sunrise from my east-facing window.